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Music therapists share resources that have contributed to their professional development including books, instruments, and workshops.
Kate Shannon
Oct 25, 2020
Leaving Space: Supporting The Emotional World Of Children
As homo sapiens, our offspring rely on us for a longer period than almost any other living creature. Our children rely on us for food,...
Hayley Francis Cann & Priya Shah
Jul 15, 2020
Anti-Oppressive Practice
Authors' note: As therapists, we often tackle difficult subject matter with our clients. There are some topics that we may feel less...
Christine Naguib
Jul 15, 2020
Celebrating Folk Songs: Learning Finnish Folk Songs While Connecting with a Client in Music Therapy
“The history of mankind has been the history of worry and grief. But there have also been joys, and through the ages foremost among them...
Aksana Kavaliova
Jan 6, 2020
Happy to Integrate the HAPI (Hand Activated Percussion Instrument) into Music Therapy Sessions
As music therapists, we use a variety of instruments in our practice. In addition to more traditional instruments, there are lots of less...
Daiva Paskauskas
Jan 6, 2020
Reiki as a Resource for Music Therapists
What I love about being a music therapist is not only the work with clients, but also how I can craft my approach to the work with...
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